My Blue Print Nutrition Tip of the day- Foods you thought were good for you….NOT! Part 3

Now that you know that PROTEIN BARS are just a waste lets take a look at the last 3 food myths!

Diet Pop. Science suggests too much of these zero-cal beverages could do as much damage as the sugary stuff, potentially leading to weight gain and an uncontrollable sweet tooth. Artificial sweeteners found in diet pop signal the brain to crave sweets and confuse hormones related to appetite, leading to weight gain.


Juice Diets. Many of us could use a few more fruits and veggies in our diet, but we don’t need to juice them. Juice diets may leave out important nutrients and enough calories to stay strong throughout the day. Not to mention eating, not drinking your fruit and veggies is much more theromogenic, meaning your body has to work harder and burn more calories just to break down the food.


Light Beer. Light-beer or diet beer doesn’t necessarily mean less calories. Instead, many simply have a lower alcohol content. Not to mention beer, even diet, is extremely estrogenic and can lead to increased estrogen, lower testosterone and increased weight gain.


My Blue Print Nutrition Tip of the day- Foods you thought were good for you….NOT! Part 2

Yesterday we brought up enhanced water and granola bars…foods you thought were good and are not!

Part two of some other food myths!

Protein bars. Protein bars don’t fall far from the granola-bar-tree. They are often ultra-high in calories and sugar. Instead opt for a high-density protein like a chicken breast or hard boiled egg.


Low Fat Foods. Think twice before skipping the fat or choosing the “low fat” option. While cutting some fat, like unhealthy trans fats, could help weight loss, we may miss out on some big benefits from healthy fats, like omega-3 fats, which aid in weigh loss, boost cognitive brain function and reduce inflammation. Not to mention when the fat is removed from any food, it is usually replaced with sugar or carbs.


CFL Combine Blog Dillon Guy

Dillon Guy snow


My conclusion to the first phase of my training and preparation for the upcoming CFL combine and season. I feel that this would be a good time to check in and share my progress through this blog.

I am roughly two months out of ACL surgery and I can honestly say that I feel great and am always pushing myself to go above and beyond the ” Norm” . To define what the “Norm”  means , the best way to describe it is by simply doing what is expected. There is nothing wrong with doing the norm, if you’re content with just being average.  Personally I never am ok with the thought of being just average and when I look at the “Norm” I see it as a barrier that can be broken through. For example just being 7 weeks out of surgery I began to deadlift which consisted of 6 sets of 5 to 8 reps at the weight of 365. Now keep in mind that The staff here kept a close eye on each rep to ensure that I kept great form and to cut me off at any sign of compensation in  the left leg. To do this I must have incredible discipline in your nutrition and in the recovery process . Think of your body as a high end luxury sports  car.  To drive it the car requires supreme gas not the standard unleaded 87 gas. The human body is no different, as you cannot possibly expect to perform  at a high level if you put crap in your body. At Sst they put a huge emphasis on your nutrition because of the great importance it has on the athletes performance and recovery . 

My Blue Print Nutrition Tip of the day- Foods you thought were good for you….NOT! Part 1!

Each day clients comment in and say I eat healthy…we ask them to write down what they eat daily….to their surprise- more then 60% of their food are NOT as good as they think!

Part 1

Enhanced water. With so many flavoured waters on the market a fruit flavoured water might seem like a great way to up your daily water intake. So many of these flavoured water options are filled with artificial sweeteners and even sugar, adding calories where you least expect it. Instead opt for the real stuff and add real fruit to enhance the flavour.


Granola and granola bars. Granola is so often touted as a healthy food, think yogurt and granola, sounds healthy. Granola and granola bars are both calorically dense and often contain a ton of sugar. You may as well eat a chocolate bar, enough said.


Part 2 tmrw!

My Blue Print Nutrition Tip of the day- The Benefits of Vitamin C


VITAMIN C (ascorbic acid) is a water–soluble essential nutrient we must obtain from our diet. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, disarming free radicals & preventing damage in the environment both inside & outside the cells. Consuming a diet rich in Vitamin C is associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer, helps protect against free radical damage, regenerate Vitamin E supplies, & improve iron absorption.

A diet deficient in this powerful vitamin can result in cardiovascular disease, joint diseases, cataracts, dry eyes, hair loss, anemia, bleeding gums, bone fragility & delayed wound healing.

Contrary to popular belief, the best sources of Vitamin C are not just citrus fruits.

The top 10 best sources of Vitamin C:

Bell peppers






Romaine lettuce

Brussels sprouts




1. LA PATIENCE: Lorsque l’on décide de perdre du poids, les attentes sont souvent irréalistes. Bombardées quotidiennement de publicités du genre: Retrouvez votre silhouette de bikini en 6 semaines!!, il est normal que la plupart des clientes qui viennent me consulter finissent par y croire. Mais la vérité est que tout le poids non-désiré que vous souhaiter perdre a été accumulé sur une longue période de temps. Une des premières choses que j’explique aux nouveaux clients au gym SST Laval est que 10 ans de surpoids accumulé à cause de choix alimentaires douteux et de sédentarité ne se perdra pas en 10 semaines. En règle générale je dis à ces mêmes clientes que probablement 10 mois seront nécessaires afin de voire des résultats satisfaisants (oui! 1 mois d’entrainement pour chaque année d’accumulation).

2. LA CONSTANCE: J’accompagne des gens en perte de poids depuis 15 ans. LE SEUL FACTEUR qui a un impact majeur dans la perte de poids est la constance, soit faire les bons choix jour après jour. Nous vivons dans une société d’instantané, on veut tous obtenir des résultats incroyables sans effort et tout de suite! Mes clients au gym SST Laval qui réussissent adoptent un style de vie sain, ils ne font pas de diète. Une diète est automatiquement associée à des restrictions et demande un effort contre nature. Un changement de style de vie aide à ce que les choix alimentaires, par exemple manger une salade avec le repas, deviennent une partie intégrale de la routine quotidienne (comme se brosser les dents…on n’a pas besoin de se forcer pour y arriver. On le fait car ca fait partie de la routine quotidienne). Personne n’a besoin d’une diète compliquée et stricte de bodybuilder pour perdre du poids si on fait des bonx choix tout au long de la semaine et une grande majorité de la fin de semaine. Ce qu’il faut c’est changer ses habitudes et de se référer au point 1, la patience. Non les changements alimentaires ne transformeront pas votre corps en 5 semaines. Mais sur une période d’un an, vous serez probalement méconnaissable.

3. DÉPENSER DES CALORIES À TOUS LES JOURS: Il m’est arrivé souvent de me faire demander par des clients pourquoi ils n’arrivaient pas à maigrir. C’étaient souvent des clients qui avaient adopté une saine alimentation depuis une bonne période de temps mais qui n’arrivaient pas à perdre du gras. Dans presque tous les cas il s’agissait de clients qui venaient me voir 2 fois par semaine pour des entrainements privés. Tous les clients du gym SST Laval savent à quel point une heure avec un de nos entraineurs peut être payante en dépense calorique. Mais voilà, souvent ces clients se limitent à ces 2 heures par semaine. Comme les bons choix alimentaires doivent être faits à tous les jours, une dépense calorique doit également avoir lieu à tous les jours (ou presque) pour des résultats significatifs. En effet, si on considère qu’on est éveillé 16 heures par jour (8 heures de sommeil), la semaine compte 112 heures d’éveil. 2 heures d’entrainement par semaine représente moins de 2% de la semaine où on est actif (pour la plupart des gens qui ont un travail sédentaire). Pour de meilleurs résultats on doit faire suffisamment d’activité physique à tous les jours pour dépenser un peu de calories. J’indique souvent aux clients du gym SST Laval que 3 séances de musculation par semaine et 3 séances de travail cardiovasculaire peut produire des résultats beaucoup plus impressionants que 2 à 3 entrainements par semaine. Alors qu’on a tendance à penser qu’il faut courir 1/2 marathon à chaque fois, 20 minutes de vélo stationnaire en écoutant le hockey le soir ou une marche rapide avec le chien sont 100 fois mieux que rien du tout et que toutes ces petites séances s’accumulent au bout de la semaine et donnent des résultats!

Venez visiter notre page web pour plus de détails sur l’entrainement – Cliquez ici

Super Bowl Recipe!!




1 peeled, very thinly sliced sweet potato

1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil



Coarse sea salt


Heat oven to 400 degrees. In a large bowl toss sweet potato with oil and season with cumin, paprika, and salt. Arrange in single layer on a cookie sheet and bake, flipping halfway, until crisp and golden, 20 to 25 minutes.

My Blue Print Nutrition Tip of the day- How can Bees help you?

bee pollen


Health Benefits of Bee Pollen

Bee Pollen is considered one of nature’s most perfect foods as it contains nearly all nutrients required by humans. Bee-gathered pollens are rich in proteins (nearly 40%), free amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12; vitamins A, C & E, carotenoids, folic acid and rutin; minerals, including magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, silica, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine & manganese. Bee Pollen also contains a full range of amino acids & is a more concentrated form of protein than any other food (more than any animal source). As if that weren’t enough, Bee Pollen also contains digestive enzymes, fatty acids & a full range of phytonutrients! All that contained in tiny little golden orbs.

· Energy enhancer: the full range of nutrients make it a great energy enhancer that can keep you going all day

· Skin soother: the amino acids and vitamins protect the skin & aid in the regeneration of cells

· Respiratory Function: the high quantity of antioxidants have an anti-inflammatory effect on the tissues of the lungs

· Digestive System: contains enzymes that aid in digestion

· Immune System booster: pollen is good for the intestinal flora and thereby supports the immune system

· Infertility problems: bee pollen stimulates & restores ovarian function, may be used to assist in accelerating pregnancy.

My Blue Print Nutrition tip of the day….Heart issues???? Try this!



Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinol 10, was discovered in the 1950’s as a naturally-occurring compound produced by the human body that is responsible for basic cell function and disease prevention.

In addition to maintaining basic cell function, CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant, which is responsible for fighting free radicals in the body. Free radicals cause physical disease and premature aging by destroying living cells.

As the body ages, natural CoQ10 levels decrease by as much as seventy percent. Supplementation of this natural enzyme is recommended for patients with heart-related conditions such as:

Congestive Heart Failure, arrhythmia, heart attack, angina, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, mitral valve prolapse, coronary heart disease.

The antioxidant power of CoQ10 also makes it an excellent natural anti-aging solution. Free radicals are destroyed, energy and vitality is increased and cells are brought back to a stable, healthy condition that might have been lost during mid-life.