Goals vs New Years Resolution?? Really?



Just this morning a colleague of mine and I were discussing how we as gym owners don’t have a rush of fat loss New Year clients….one of the reasons is this…our clients are informed to set goals not New Years resolutions

What is the difference?  Here is some data:

62% of people make New Years resolutions

Only 8% of these people stick to their resolutions

A Harvard Study showed that people who write down their goals achieve 100% more!

Here is what we at SST do with our clients and athletes

We talk about RESULT and ACTION goals

What is the difference:

Result goal example- I want to lose 10 lbs or I want to be an NFL Player

That’s great as we all want to succeed and win but what will YOU DO to get there???

This is when Action goals are implemented

Result – “I want to lose 10lbs”

Action Goal- I want to lose 10lbs on 12 weeks (the timeline is set)

Action goal- week 1 – “  I will start walking for 20 minutes a day” – Make your action goals attainable

Action Goal week 2- “I will continue to walk and eat breakfast daily”- What you have done here is reinforced your week one action goal and added a slight modification

Action Goal week 3- “ I will continue with week 1 and 2 goals” and “I will not eat after 6pm”

This will continue for 12 weeks

Action goals MUST be simple and attainable and specific towards your goals

So instead of setting yourself up for failure with an unattainable resolution try setting a goal with a specific timeline that’s achievable

Larry Jusdanis

SST Founder

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