Hockey Off-ice training–Core part 3

Core exercise that looks easy……..try it

Exercise 3) – Partner Assisted Static Pushes
This is a simple, yet effective exercise for training the rotational core muscles of the abdominal region (internal and external obliques). The only drawback to this exercise is that at least two people are needed to perform it.

Execution: Simply have two athletes facing one another with legs shoulder width apart. While the working athlete holds their arms straight out in front and hands clasped together, the partner will simply add resistance by slightly pushing against the hands of the athlete. The working athlete will then try to keep their arms straight out in front of themselves, by “pushing” against their partner. This exercise targets the oblique regions of the athlete, by forcing them to use their core region (abdominals and lower back musculature) to remain in position.

Repetitions: 12-15 reps or go for a set time
Sets: 2-3 (change sides, and push from the other direction)

Remember not to push too hard against the working athlete, but just enough to let them feel their core area being worked. Again, add repetitions to the exercise or time for added progression.

There you have three great exercises that can be incorporated into an abdominal circuit. Choose 1-2 of these to begin, but remember, form over weight being used is the utmost concern- Please, leave your ego at the door! Enjoy.

SST has been very fortunate to have trained thousands of hockey athletes throughout their 8 locations in Canada. We, at SST, wish everyone a great summer and remind you to concentrate on your off –ice training. Please check out our website for more info about SST’s High Performance Summer Camp!

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